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  • Writer's pictureAngel Bartolo

My Favorite 3 photos taken this school year

This photo was one of my favorites just because of how nice the clouds look in this image. I took this picture just by stopping while on my walk to the store and and took about ten pictures and this one was my favorite out of all of them. Next time though I will probably try to get a more lower angle.

This picture was taken when I went hiking and I decided to take a picture while the sun was setting and liked how it turned out. While on the top of the hill I tried my best to keep my phone at a straight angle and took the picture. Next time I will try to get multiple shots from different perspectives.

This image was taken from my window while I was bored. The thing I Most like about this image are the clouds once again they just really amaze me and love taking pictures of them. I took this picture just by leaning on my window frame but next time I will go on top of my roof and get a better view of it.

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